Sunday, December 14, 2008

happy fucking sunday

so its 9:30 in the morning.. on a sunday.
you can see the tears welling up in my eyes. ew..
(how weird is it that there is blue sky in the background, by the way? i captured the ONE second of vague sun in the whole of the last 72 hours.)
im sitting at workshop surrounded by art that i have to pack away and art that i have to put up on the walls.

and i have to be honest here, im feeling a little rusty.
what 2 better things to cure a minor hangover than...
aw isnt workshop pretty when theres no one but me and Mary and Amy here.
so Joker at Launrdy last night was amazing!
ill show you some pics when ive finished my arts.
i have to hang this canvas that i havent even finished.. it will be done!


come along tonight if you can be bothered.
its going to be a pretty interesting sunday session..

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