Monday, May 18, 2009

today was the day my friends, today was the day,

i know. you have probably all been waiting with bated breath...
"where is Claire's personalised continental-cup-a-soup mug?!.when will she get it in the mail!?!?"

relax people. because today.... today was a very big day for me.

tea tastes better from it. and now everyone knows its MY MUG!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gyaaaaaad that is awesome!

ipkus said...

wow it actually looks like one of the mugs from the adds..

i have to say im quite impressed with your mug!

custards said...

best. mug. ever.

Mila. said...

i want one!

MOPS said...

nice mug... (see what I did there?)

custards said...

oh i got it. i got it.